There’s way too many to copy but here’s a few from the top... (each space = new tweet from different tweeterer)
Yes, it appears @DRUDGE is RT @ericjodom: Is Matt Drudge waging a personal political war against Newt Gingrich?
Boycott @Drudge & unless you are a diehard Romney supporter! Why? Look at his page, non-stop Newt attacks! #TCOT
Can’t even stand to look at @Drudge_Report any more. Wouldn’t mind if it was equal among candidates. War on Newt is ridiculous @DRUDGE #tcot
@Drudge has abandoned his website, now en route to the Indian Tranny Competition
Moderate Mitt says: Man, have you guys seen Drudge Report lately? Thanks for overlooking my liberalism, @Drudge!
@Drudge attacks @NewtGingrich. @Politico celebrates it. That’s all you need to know.
So @Drudge...when are you gonna post the video of Nancy Reagan stating Reagan passed the torch to Newt?
Palin To FL Voters: Vote 4 The Candidate The Media Attacks! Thanks @Drudge @FoxNews @cnn @miamiherald VOTE NEWT!
Boy oh boy Matt Drudge if @DRUDGE report must be rooting for Romney.. I mean EVERY & ANY attack on #NewtGingrich is on his sight #TCOT
Recommending all conservatives unfollow @Drudge @drudge_report @drudgebuzz - see my last tweet for reason why
Is Rush Limbaugh finally turning on his buddy @Drudge?
thank you I appreciate that.
Is it just my imagination or did Rush spend more time today repeating gossip of Newt than he did attacking Romney or Obama? Getting tired of the same old same old from Rush lately...been listening less and it doesn’t change when I do listen...He seems to be more republican and conservative lately along with other “conservatives”, Coulter, et all
Newt /Santorum. We win.