It’s important for us to realize we have individual biases, as well. For example, if you ever expect me to portray an unbiased portrait of Ron Paul; you’ll be disappointed. lol.
We need to realize no candidate is perfect. And once Noot beats Obumma (if that’s the matchup), we need to be willing to fight Noot tooth and nail if need be when he veers off course. (Or Romney or Paul or Santorum or Mitch Daniels or some unnamed candidate who jumps in). We need to realize that none of these people will have our back when they get in office.
I’m tired of being let down because I put my faith in a politician. It’s better to just be up front with ourselves from the beginning so we don’t get weighed down with disappointment when these candidates revert to form.
Also, if we think what we’re doing to any of the candidates is hard, just wait until Obumma starts.