Depends on whether CNN gets to count the votes or not.
The electoral college exists in part to prevent high population areas from dictating to the rest of the country. Why should the voters of LA, Chicago, and New York have more clout than several states combined?
The top ten cities in the US have more population than the states of Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and West Virginia combined. Why should New York city be able to tell people in Montana how to live? How can a person living in the middle of LA know what’s best for someone living in West Virginia? The electoral college to some extent helps to even out political clout among different demographics.
All that said, I think the powers of the presidency should be cut way, way back. I don’t think the office of the president should ever initiate legislative agenda. An increasingly powerful presidency diminishes states rights and dilutes the influence of many separate demographics.
Current federal law (Title 3, chapter 1, section 6 of the United States Code) requires the states to report the November popular vote numbers (the “canvas”) in what is called a “Certificate of Ascertainment.” You can see the Certificates of Ascertainment for all 50 states and the District of Columbia containing the official count of the popular vote at the NARA web site.