Posted on 01/23/2012 3:57:55 AM PST by AmericanInTokyo
Mother Jones has a profile up about Reverend ONeal Dozier, a pastor who runs the Worldwide Christian Centor in Pompano Beach, Florida, who currently serves as the honorary chairman of Rick Santorums Florida campaign. Dozier is a well-known social conservative who obviously shares many of Santorums views on issues like gay marriage, but has made rather controversial statements that have raised peoples eyebrows over his connections to the GOP candidate.
In a video posted online, Dozier explains his church preaches the dangers of Islam and Islamic fascism, and once proudly boasted that God is 100 percent for capital punishment. But at the same convention where he made the latter statement, he stated that homosexuality is so nasty and disgusting that it makes God want to vomit.
[T]he rise of tea party politics gave Dozier a new calling. He campaigned vigorously for Rep. Allen West, an African-American conservative who shares Doziers views on gays and Muslims. West has spoken at Worldwide Christian Centers services, quoting a John Adams letter that claims our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. And Dozier can often be found on Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale, hoisting signs and holding court with the powerful local tea party. The tea party is a godly ordained party, hes said. At one recent event, he expanded the thesis: God would never ordain a government to take from the rich to give to the poor, you see, so therefore God is not a socialist. God is not a Robin Hood.
Those sentiments, and Doziers revitalized reputation in the black community, seem to have struck the right chord with Santorums campaign.
Santorum hosted a forum with Dozier today called the Sanctity of Life Sunday. After initially supporting Cain, Dozier shifted his support to Santorum because hes not a compromiser or a politically correct kind of guy.
Brevity is the soul of wit. It is also the only way your posts will get read.
But you, like a lot of folks, present a false choice and I’m not buying your premise. It is totally and demonstrably false to say that the choice is between a focus on moral issues OR a European style socialist candidate.
I’m sorry, but I will not humor such a ridiculous argument.
Fully agreed. Nice to see someone actually in this pastor's church come on here to defend and explain him.
BTW, I'm really encouraged by reading Newt Gingrich's thirty-year-history of trying to reach out to conservative blacks who should be voting Republican. That's important. There are many people in
Cletus.D.Yokel wrote on Monday, January 23, 2012 7:53:21 AM 48 of 58 to to darrellmaurina: “:: attacked by a homosexual mob :: Yo, Lot! Send your new friends out to play with us!”
I wasn't in the church that day (I kept my membership there for quite a few years after I moved) but from what I understand it was a quite horrifying incident for a group of high school kids on a summer mission trip from a rural Midwestern state.
I think they got a close-up and personal understanding of just how seriously committed militant homosexuals are to their perverted agenda. I hope they were motivated to be equally committed to the Cross.
Monday, January 23, 2012 7:32:48 AM · 43 of 58 surroundedbyblue to darrellmaurina: “’But many evangelical Christians and conservative Roman Catholics agree with what this pastor said, though perhaps not with the way he said it.’ That sums it up nicely for this Roman Catholic. I agree that homosexuality is an abomination & like abortion, is intrinsically evil. Cant say I would have put it quite like this pastor did, though. I do beleive that with Gods grace, people can change & repent. I pray daily for the conversion of homos as well as abortionists. I turst that God will forgive them if they seek Him.”
On this point, Roman Catholics and evangelicals agree. It's part of why I believe we need to work together in the political realm to win elections, without minimizing our serious disagreements on core issues of doctrine.
Monday, January 23, 2012 7:12:16 AM · 36 of 58 jagusafr to darrellmaurina: “’Theres no way to play nice with homosexuals and avoid their wrath’ Truth of the day, DM. A great observation - the issue wont ever be anything but ugly, so may as well understand that when we take a stand against homosexuality.”
Yep. There are lots of issues on which I can disagree civilly with liberals, but homosexuality is one on which being nice simply does not work in many cases.
I have a decades-long track record of saying angry and extreme statements by conservatives turn people off and are not only unnecessary and unhelpful but actually counterproductive.
I no longer believe that with regard to homosexuality. It may be the only issue on which I believe venting fire against our political enemies works.
The reason why is because the radical gay agenda goes out of its way to feature stuff like Code Pink, leather-studded drag queens, and other perversions. People need to understand that gay relationships simply are **NOT** like heterosexual marriage, or even heterosexual live-in relationships. Many homosexual couples are only relatively monogamous, and extreme sexual perversion (gerbiling and fisting, anyone?) is added on top of the inherently disgusting behaviors of anal and oral copulation homosexuals have to do because “the parts don't fit,” as someone I know puts it.
I know fiery rhetoric isn't used by all homosexuals. I know quite a few conservative homosexuals, and used to know more before I moved to the Bible Belt where most homosexuals are “in the closet” regardless of political party. I can have a rational discussion with Republican homosexuals, and with few liberal homosexuals.
But there does seem to be something about the gay agenda that fills many of its advocates with a seething rage against conservative Christians. Over many years of dealing with homosexuals in politics, I've come to the conclusion that demon possession may be the only rational explanation for their otherwise inexplicable and self-destructive behavior, coupled with utter hatred of Christianity and Christians, even those conservative Christians who would be willing to work together on conservative issues not related to moral values.
In my view, any compromise with homosexuality on the part of conservatives is potential suicide. I came to that view reluctantly, but it's one I know hold with conviction. Log Cabin Republicans can do what they want, but I can't treat them as allies — unless we're comparing the relationship to our World War II allegiance with Stalin to fight an even worse evil in Hitler.
Maybe I'd feel differently if I lived in California or New York and needed to deal with homosexual libertarians to win elections, but I just can't accept a gay Republican coalition except under the most extreme cases.
“Well, there goes the fag vote”
Santorum never had those votes. THIS is going to be interesting...Wanna bet how much more brutally the MSM treats him, compared to Rev. Wright of Obama’s church....and videos they were so hesitant to air? / no brainer
Well, Rev. Wright ran the secret Down Low Club at his church, helping married guys find boyfriends.
Uh oh, hope you are ok!
I believe you misunderstand me.
My concern is the Republican Party risks moving toward a European-style **CONSERVATIVE** party in which moral values are not important. Think of French or Italian conservative politics.
Newt Gingrich is not Silvio Berlusconi or Nicolas Sarkozy. Today, neither Berlusconi or Sarkozy would have a chance at the Republican nomination because of their gross immorality, despite taking political stances which in their country's political cultures are far to the right. My concern is what happens if the Republican Party, which has become the party of moral values, decides to jettison its emphasis on moral values.
I can tolerate a Gingrich presidency. To Gingrich's credit, unlike Sen. John McCain, I think he does understand that conservative Christians need to have a seat at the Republican Party table, and that social issues voters are a key part of a winning Republican coalition.
I hope Gingrich's supporters and advisers understand that too.
Newt and his supporters do indeed understand that and always have. That is what is so maddening .
What Santorum supporters need to understand is that there are seasons, and this is not the season where the electorate gives a pitoot about anything other than rolling back the liberal statist tide that threatens to swallow not only our economy, but our entire way of life with it.
And Newt is the only one capable of leading a revolution to do that among our candidates. That warriors like Sarah Palin have (at least to some degree) jumped in behind is indicative of that.
Besides, it is the belief in family values, not necessarily the perfect practice of them, that counts.
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May I share a little story?
I do a lot of shipping, and had been using a UPS Store in an area of Ft. Lauderdale that was en-route to my teaching job. A new employee there, who was “obviously” homosexual began to rant about “Evangelical Conservatives” who had put a “Blatantly Homophobic and Hateful Calendar on Amazon”. He ranted on and on as he was processing my order, and I gently said that “True Christians don’t hate people, but they have a right to disagree with someone’s lifestyle, etc”, but he just kept spouting bile until the transaction was completed. Then I gently said, “I don’t hate you, and I have never said anything to you about what I perceived to be your life, but You, on the other hand, have launched an unprovoked attack on ME for MY choices. Just WHO is the hater?”
Oh, and BTW, I checked out the “Blatantly Homophobic and hateful Calendar” that was on Amazon. It was not very good artwork, and EXTREMELY mild and not really very funny, as satire goes. Certainly not something to get one’s dander up! :-)
I never went back to that store. There are plenty of Shipping places in town where I am treated like a valued customer.
makes me want to vomit too
Yes, Gays "Make God Want To Vomit". They also make normal Christian people want to vomit.
There goes Miami.
“Honorary Chairman Of Rick Santorums Florida Campaign: Gays “Make God Want To Vomit”
So He doesn’t really love us all? I just love it when man dares speak for God. Yes they are sinful. Yes if they die in that sin they are hellbound.
But don’t speak for God.
Also according to Wikipedia, in comparison, Time has a total circulation of 3,376,226 and is published weekly.
Michael Moore was once employed by Mother Jones.
I agree with you. I think voters care more about jobs and the economy than social issues this time around.
All sin is abhorent but there are catagories of sin. There are mortal sins (big sins) and venial sins (little sins) and there is the “unforgiveable” sin against the Holy Spirit. Not only does unrepentent homosexuality make God want to vomit so does abortion.
the Bible has been translated and retranslated so many times that nobody really knows what the original meaning was.
That’s easily fixed. Learn the original Hebrew and Greek. And the Greek word porneia that has been translated as fornications that Jesus used in this passage:
“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Mark 7:21-23
means this
illicit sexual intercourse:
a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.
b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18
c) sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12
They can have their own opinions about this topic but they cannot have their own facts.
And because the average voter sees no relationship to the horrible state of the national economy and jobs, we will continue to slip into the never ending morass of mediocrity because of our blindness to the moral deprivation we foster in the United States. Once our people become morally right with God, our problems will disappear.
Interesting point. Miami is a perfect example of the problems faced by Republicans in dealing with coalition politics.
Cuban-American Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Florida Republican who has been a fairly good advocate for military and veterans issues, has a transgender son and according to The Advocate, “became the first in her party to cosponsor the Respect for Marriage Act” (which would repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act's ban on federal recognition of homosexual marriages). She was then blasted for having “joined the dark side” by the Family Research Council.
I can respect a lot of Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s work, but not this.
As the Family Research Council wrote: “The GOP leadership has done a lot to protect marriage, mostly by appointing a top-notch lawyer to defend DOMA in the courts after the Obama administration refused to. However, having a member of the Republican leadership undermine everything they're doing on the marriage issue sends the wrong message, especially when her current actions specifically target Christian services. Is the Republican Party ready to be turned into a party that sacrifices religious liberty on the altar of unrestrained sexual license?”
I am emphatically **NOT** accusing Newt Gingrich of waffling on gay marriage, but what the Family Research Council wrote with regard to “having a member of the Republican leadership undermine everything they're doing on the marriage issue sends the wrong message” is a fair summary of the concerns many of us have about Gingrich based on his personal life.
Note that I wrote “concerns,” not “unacceptable objections.”
Yes, as Christians we believe in repentance. We also believe that we are sinners in the hands of an angry God — not mischievous boys who sometimes make mistakes and are safe in the hands of Santa. I have no way to know Gingrich's personal relationship with God, but bringing forth fruits that befit repentance is a key part of repentance, and that has not exactly been obvious in his life.
Anything’s better than Obama, however, and almost anything is better than Romney.
Even though I am a noob here, I am well aware of that fact.
I read post 29 before my query to you.
Which,BTW, you have not answered.
I just did not want to misunderstand you.
So your comment "GO AWAY NEWT" will remain a mystery until you further enlighten me about it.
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