I get the same sense about what Newt will do as president, as you do. He's at that age where he's got one last chance to make a real mark on America's history.
Future generations won't remember the Speaker of the House who did so much to keep America on the track that Reagan laid before us, but they will remember a president who turned the country away from a deathly fall over the precipice of bankrupt Socialism, and who restored our country to its rightful greatness.
I believe that Newt sees the historic fork in the road ahead, just as well, or better than any of us do. Like us, he knows that this is perhaps the most pivotal point of the last one hundred years, and that the person who sits in the Oval Office for the next four years, will likely determine which fork of that road this country takes.
I don't believe that he would take on this great task, simply to gain another feather in his cap. He knows full well that the times (and the people) will demand extraordinary things of the next president, and that nothing about the job will be 'business as usual'. Whoever sits in that chair starting in January of 2013, is going to be waging a battle like none we've seen in living memory.
I honestly believe that he sees this clearly, and that he's the only one of the four Republican candidates who has mentally prepared himself for that fight.
Excellent post and my sentiments exactly. GO NEWT GO!
That’s a very interesting analysis of Newt’s possible motivations. As long as his personal goals continue to align with what’s best for the country, I’ll support him.
KUDOS! Great post, Windflier.
I agree with you that Newt, if given the opportunity, will save our butts, ‘cause we’re heading for an abyss if Obama is re-elected.
Very thoughtful and accurate...well written,Thanks for taking the time to put it all in words, much of what I think too.