Why Cobert? And on two shows?
Well, Colbert is Colbert’s biggest fan.
Because I screwed up! I double posted ABC’s data into the CNN field.
Here’s the corrected CNN entry:
CNN’s “State of the Union” - Perry; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; David Axelrod, political adviser to President Obama’s re-election campaign.
RE: Your tagline
The evening of the NH voter results, CBS had a live news break. In it, the newsie said that 65% of those who voted wanted some other choice on the ballots.
Whichever Pubbie does get the nomination, I am thinking the campaign and November election will be about as lackluster as 2008.
Stephen Colbert, because the media want to push liberalism as mainstream and conservatism as far right.
Colbert is running in S.C. to try and win on the Republican ballot.
The answer is obvious. The MSM want to make a mockery out of the Rep primary and ridicule the participants. It is all done to help Obama and the image that he is being opposed by a bunch of incompetent clowns.