Newt/Bolton ticket...FTW!!!!
What was with that lame ABC “volunteer” commercial?
Well...Governor Perry didn’t get much mike time but I’m grateful he exudes dignity, confidence, and the demeanor of a leader. Just reading the comments about Mr Gingrich and Congressman Paul, I feel like I’ve been reading the comic book version of Batman. ZAP! POW! GET ‘EM! What’s important anyway? People said Governor Perry lost support BECAUSE of the earlier debates. It should be obvious to everyone these debates prove nothing. They are a joke. They are a sick attempt at pitting our candidates against each other. We are the ones sending them to the lions with the thumbs down sport. I’m disgusted at the obvious fun of it. President Obama probably sleeps very well these nights. Thank you, Governor Perry.
Who’s hosting the debate tomorrow and when?
ABC in New York just opened up their news broadcast saying the Republicans agreed on nothing. Do they watch their own channel?
ABC in New York just opened up their news broadcast saying the Republicans agreed on nothing. Do they watch their own channel?
Palin was just on the Fox Justice with Judge Jeanine show and ironically she agreed with Donna Brazile on ABC, although this show was taped before the debate aired. Palin said the Mainstram Media is going to lay off criticizing Mitt Romney because they believe the Democrats can beat him in the general election by portraying him as a Wall Street/silver spoon golden boy who is out-of-touch with the majority of the country.
I think she and all the other Tea Party people need to get off of the sidelines and ENDORSE a candidate. Based on Santorum’s wobbly performance in this debate and in recent interviews (many times forgetting everything beyond the first part of a multi-part question and having to ask the host to repeat it) I think they need to endorse Newt Gingrich for president but can add a side endorsement for Santorum or Perry as V.P.
The very best part of the whole debate, for me, was Newt Gingrich going after Romney’s State and the media!
more anti-Christian bigotry out there than there is concern on the other side
Thoughts and notable quotes from the forum,
Romney and Huntsman need to exchange to ten speeds. They arent ready for mountain bikes yet.
Paul finaly blurts it out he is a dem.
NEWTORUM!! Go Rick! Go Newt!
Uh-oh, the Mormons are fighting.....
Newt says at least Hussein is “sincere” about creating a European socialist state!
Can somebody give me a synopsis of what happened in the last 25 minutes of the debate? I tried to stay up, but yesterday I overdid it on my PT run and my body just totally would not allow me to stay up. Still feel like garbage this morning. So my notes are for the first hour or so?
First, ABC had a clear agenda. First part was to let Paul make a fool of himself with the foreign policy questions (not difficult to do). Second part was to make Santorum look like some radical right-wing social extremist. My take.
6. I thought Paul was going to lose it last night and walk off the stage. He really showed his 76 years of senility last night. Speech was slurred, etc. There’s one clip I thought he was going to have a stroke. With Bachmann out, appears Paul took up the “attack dog” mode. I think he was more vicious last night than usual. Kudos to Newt and Santorum for stomping him down. I got the feeling that Romney was enjoying this exchange because Paul seemed to be doing his dirty work.
5. Has anybody figured out that at some point, Huntsman has tried to adopt Paul’s foreign policy. That’s what it sounds like. Why this guy is still on the stage is a joke. If he gets 13% in NH, Paul: 22%, and Romney 40%, that’s 75% of voters in NH that are morons.
4. Didn’t see anyone go after Romney. 3 more debate chances too, but time is running out here. He just goes along with the debate and does the “safe” thing everytime, and the manufactured Stephanopolous incident made him look good.
3. Santorum was good. For those that didn’t like Bachmann, notice that when Santorum casts his differences, he manages to do so while crediting Newt and others at the same time. I suppose we’ll start hearing about how he moves his arms too much when he talks. He got the better of the exchange with Paul, and held his own on the social issues. I didn’t think he was wobbly at all.
2. Okay, Perry got more speaking time than I thought he did, and they’re trying to turn the whole Iraq comment into a gaffe? WTF? Perry’s main point was that it’s important to keep a strong presence in Iraq to ensure the Iranians don’t overrun the country which they most certainly will if they get the chance, and drive up the price of oil. Perry’s comments complemnented Newt’s remarks on getting America “energy independent” and not “kowtowing to the Saudi prince”.
Newt went back to the original debate forumla he used in the previous months. From what I can remember, got the two largest applauses from what I watched. His usual “attack the media” comment this time was on their ignorance of the rampant Anti-Christian-biogtry in the media and the other was on the Catholic Church adoption programs being shut down in Mass after gay marriage was adopted. Still, was a disappointed he didn’t go after Romney. Hopefully he is saving it for the SC debates.
By the Newt drinking game: take a shot whenever Newt uses the word “Fundamentally”. I promise you will be hammered by the end of the debate.
Finally, the real winner of last night’s debate was the New Orleans Saints.
Good morning. Thank you for posting the debate.
I didn’t get a chance to see it. From the posts here, please correct me if I’m wrong, but here’s my take:
1. No major gaffs from anyone.
2. Moderators seemed to favor Romney in giving him more time.
3. Ron Paul looked quite small.
4. Romney was his usual slick, stable boring self.
5. Santorum, Huntsman basically rattled on, not being concise most of the time.
6. Once again, as has always been the case, Newt stood out looking like an adult in comparison to the others.
7. Newt with his usual thick skin and temperment, went after the moderators a couple times to huge applause.
8. Perry did well.
9. No one really attacked Romney.
In summary, Romney will probably drop several points, mainly because he was at 41% to begin with, and Newt is sure to get some ground on him.
Huntsman looked weak and for all his campaigning will probably not gain much if any or lose.
Santorum is sure to lose ground as in comparison to Newt and Romney he looked the weaker, esp vs Newt.
I think Newt will do even better tonight.
Can any and all of the FRers who saw the debate comment, as unbiased as possible, on my summation?
Thank you.
Paul highlights, if anyone is interested: