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Doctors arent’ the only ones going broke. All kinds of contractors are going broke. Insurance agents and real estate agents aren’t doing so good either.
I think this was the very design of Obamacare aka socialism. Why should a doctor, who spent years studying and monetary investments, make more money than pot smokers who spend all day protesting and defecating?
“obamacare” - the newspeak expression for “death”
This is all part of the plan to eliminate private wealth. The feral goobermint wants EVERYONE to be an employee of some entity so that they are easier to control.
In medicine it is extremely difficult to collect what it costs you to do business because the insurance companies see what the FG is paying through mediscare and try to reimburse that paltry amount.
Meanwhile the trial lawyers continue to cause the cost of malpractice insurance to skyrocket if the state goobermint has not passed tort reform (most haven’t - especially BLUE states). Want to find an OB-GYN doc in some states in the northeast? Good luck with that.
owebamascare supposedly means “everyone” will have health insurance but what good will that do you if you cannot find anyone to provide health CARE? That is the real question.
Somebody at CNN is actually doing their job as a journalist. Put them on the “Endangered Species List” and hide them from the MSM flash mob.
Obamacare will kill this country. It must be repealed.
This was always the intent of Obamacare.
Eventually everybody will become a function of the state, no matter what you do.
Because of the constant barrage of class warfare rhetoric and class envy, privately many people don’t mind seeing doctors suffer financially. But all doctors in private practice are small businessmen and in many respects they are entrepreneurs.
Imagine if the government cut your small business’ gross income 27% overnight, as they are planning on cutting physician reimbursements 27%.
If a solo medical practice grosses $200,000 and the physician takes home 40% of it, he’s earning $80,000 per year (typical for many small town non-specialist physicians), while his business overhead is $120,000.
If his practice is tied to Medicare reimbursements and reimbursement is cut 27%, his gross drops to $146,000.
But his practice expenses still stay the same, $120,000.
In other words, a cut of 27% to his gross business income leaves his net income at $26,000, a 67% loss in personal income.
Does anyone realize what this cut in Medicare reimbursements will do to the practice of medicine in this country?
About 18 years ago that economic genius Clinton was giving speeches that there were too many doctors and that was a driving factor to higher prices for healthcare.
Never mind that the simple economics of supply and demand says otherwise...
Now we have more demand because people don’t have to directly pay for what they consume and government price controls driving out doctors we’ll soon end up with European style healthcare - long waiting lists for lower quality care.
Not in Alaska. Getting raped by your doctors is a regular occurance. The docs up here charge 2.5x what they do in the lower 48.
His replacement, a Witch doctor from the Caribbean is poised to set up shop in a nearby hut, I understand. Oddly, he is said to shun the usual technological trappings of modern HC and only asks for access to beakers, potions, gauze, sewing kits, and dolls. Talk about leveraging efficiencies!.
Stay healthy.
My brother-in-law dropped out of his group and went on staff at the hospital he works out of for precisely the above reason.
He's a cancer specialist who's annual purchases of cancer drugs was well over a million dollars. Because most of his patients were medicare recipients, he was actually losing money on the drugs he would administer and not getting fully reimbursed for.
My dentistis also suffering from Obama’s efforts to destroy us. He can’t make a living from the semi-annual cleanings that folks with basic insurance get and many who need more in-depth work won’t get it because the insurance has limits. I am in the middle of a $5K job and insurance will pay $1K. Many would either have teeth pulled or let them get bad enough that they fall out on their own. Reminds me of the stories a year or so ago when folks in the UK were pulling their own teeth with pliers.
The simple truth is that for about the last 50 years, the medical profession has been involved in the business of providing services to patients who cannot afford to pay for these services. It's really that simple. Very few people can really afford to pay for MRIs, CAT scans, hip replacements, bypass surgery, and all those procedures that have become so routine in our lifetimes.
What's changed now is that the entities that really have been paying for these things all these years (insurance companies and the taxpayers) are now in a position where they can't afford to pay for them anymore, either.
The success of any business is always tied to the ability of its customers to pay for the products or services it sells.
Welcome to reality, Doctor.
Veterinary medicine is the way to go!!!
Pet owners willingly pay $$$$$ up front - no questions asked - to treat their cats and dogs.
Even with ‘pet insurance’ the costs for care and medicine are astounding. More expensive than ‘people’ doctor’s visits.
Cut the number of physicians by 75 to 80% and guess what..., health care costs plummet. Nobody gets it, and nobody bills for it. This is the ObamaCare game plan.
Those nasty medical centers are making too much money. Those pharmacies are making too much money. Those physicians are making too much money. This is what Obama and their ilk think.
Every time government people have talked about fixing health care, they talk about health care providers having to accept less in payment, to make it work.
These entities have been under extreme pressure for several decades now. There is no more squeezing to be done.
Either we want a health care system for the nation, or we don’t. You can’t reduce payments to zero and resolve the issue. If you want service, the service providers need to make money.
Ah the miracles of socialism... destroy what works, and force everyone to do without.
In Sweden, the typical salary of a GP is around 65k a year.