Anglos are a minority in New Mexico (40.5%) with Hispanic (46.3%) and the remainder mostly Native-Americans. It is important that we have at least one Republican representative in Congress and Steve has been quite good at standing up to the RINO’s.
NM will most likely vote for Obama next year as Gary Johnson running as a libertarian will take some percentage of the Republican vote.
but what will Holder say?
Judges, whether liberal or conservative, have no authority to usurp the authority of the legislature. If they do, they must be impeached and removed. The Founders clearly gave the legislatures supreme authority about what is constitutional or not.
I am actually a plaintiff in this lawsuit. I was asked if I would be a plaintiff and I agreed and have met a few times with the attorneys who are working (with little chance of being paid for the work) to try and minimize damage. NM is such a one-party state that even little victories are important. LULAC was playing the race card big time. It’s quite a country where you can come illegally, join together as a group with others who are citizens and demand that we gerrymander a district to represent your ethnicity. IMHO that is true racism. I received an email from Hank tonight that the least change plan is a go with the judge but there are still a few details to be worked out.
It is disappointing that Gary Johnson’s is going for a 3rd party run. We had 2 terms of Clinton thanks to Ross Perot. BTW, I really do not believe Susana will leave the Governor’s post to run on a national ticket at least until she has completed one full term.
It appears that Democrats will vote for whomever is their candidate whether they like him/her or not. Republicans tend to get on their high horses they call ‘principles’ and can find every reason to not support our nominee. I would argue that ANY candidate would be a far better POTUS than the person now holding that office. If for no other reason that to keep the Supreme Court sane it is critical Obama be defeated.
I hope New Mexico got a better deal than we Arizonans got with our “redistricting” fiasco. Somehow, Barack the Kenyan had one of his team of commie ‘RAT commandos infiltrate our joke of a redistricting commission. Arizonans really got screwed. The communists will own this state now. Brewer tried to stop it once the error was recognized but some fag judge told all of us Arizonans to take a hike.
NM list PING! Click on the flag to go to the Free Republic New Mexico message page.
(The NM list is available on my FR homepage for anyone to use. Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)