I got in trouble last night. Mrs. blueunicorn6 was mad at me because I had 9 or 10 hot buttered rums. “That’s not healthy,” she said. So I quit using butter. I’ve heard that butter can raise your cholesterol. So, I started using a touch of oleomargarine. Well, I had to double up on the rum to keep all that oleomargarine from overwhelming the taste of the rum. So I come downstairs this morning, and there she is waving the empty rum bottle at me.
“How am I supposed to make even one rum ball now?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” I says. “Sing DANNY BOY, that always makes my Mom bawl.”
I snuck back into the house when she let the dogs out.
That whacky Leftist propaganda will kill you! (Oh, thanks bartender.)
The butterfat globs enter the blood stream, and wrap around the corpuscles, lubricating them so they can slide though the capillaries quicker & easier. (Hit me again!)
Without that butterfat, (BARKEEP! Asmother one here, hear?) the corpsesuckles stick together, causing clots in the capadaries because he alcorum disolves their nature (hick!) grease liar, turning it to glue....