She is NOT attacking the Tea party. She is a key Tea party person. Gingrich is a “progressive.” He has no relation to Tea Party people.
Gingrich was “Tea Party” before Tea Party was born. It is a Johnny-Come-Lately to conservative politics. Newt was right there with Reagan then continued the fight for another decade after Ronnie was gone.
The Far Right just keeps moving the goal line as to what a “conservative” really is.
I like Bachmann but if her tactic only muddies the water and takes the heat off Obama I like her less.
Bachman is desperate. Her attack on Gingrich rather than Romney, who is certainly more liberal than Gingrich, means she feels her campaign is about to end. Maybe she hopes for VP.
Ditto that! To me anyone claiming to be a Tea Party “leader”, isn’t.
I trust Bachmann before I trust Gingrich