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Newt Gingrich Praised SEIU Head Andy Stern's Forward-Looking Vision
Newt Gingrich's own book "Real Chance: From the World That Fails to the World That Works"
| Newt Gingrich
Posted on 12/13/2011 6:31:59 AM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing
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To: Eagle of Liberty
“Accept the progressive” should have been “Accept the progressive premise”
To: Eagle of Liberty
To: Hoodat
"The Four Freedoms still work. [Woodrow] Wilson's speeches still work. I'm frankly a realpolitik Wilsonian." -Newt Gingrich
FDR's Four Freedoms:
1. Freedom of Speech and Expression
2. Freedom of Worship
3. Freedom from Want
4. Freedom from Fear
posted on
12/13/2011 9:09:30 AM PST
(When news breaks, we fix it! -
To: Perdogg
Bachmann is not ready for prime time By what standard is she not ready for prime time?
posted on
12/13/2011 9:12:54 AM PST
(When news breaks, we fix it! -
To: Shannon
Romney has zero chance of winning the nomination. If the only two candidates left in the race are Ron Paul and Mitt Romney, Romney will carry his 25% of the vote and Paul will get the rest. Romney’s numbers have not changed since 2008. And the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can forget about Progressive McNewt, and the sooner we can nominate an actual real live conservative. This lesser-of-two-evils BS is ruining the GOP.
posted on
12/13/2011 9:14:46 AM PST
(Because they do not change, Therefore they do not fear God. -Psalm 55:19-)
To: umgud
I will support Newt over Romney, but dont ask me to be happy about it.Yes, but will you support a conservative over Newt?
posted on
12/13/2011 9:16:42 AM PST
(Because they do not change, Therefore they do not fear God. -Psalm 55:19-)
To: Cato in PA
It comes down to Romney vs Newt, the socialist vs the RINO. Ill take the RINO any day of the week. Well, so will I. I'll even take the socialist RINO over the communist Muslim. The question is, will more than 50% of the voters do the same?
posted on
12/13/2011 9:30:03 AM PST
To: Eagle of Liberty
That is my issue and has been my issue with Newt for a while now. Applying conservative solutions to progressive legislation. Accept the progressive
He actually writes to the contrary on
page 4 of the book cited here.
Meanwhile, the Republicans have been so lacking in backbone and conviction that they have accepted these myths-but tell themselves that they can manage big government better than Democrats (which really means managing decline and managing failure).
There is a clear distinction between what the populace thinks the priorities should be and what the elected officials think the priorities should be. Right now, the populace does not want to ACCEPT THE PROGRESSIVE PREMISE!
He also points out in the first chapter of his book that "Red White and Blue" America are united on almost every important issue in the country. That the real division is between those 85% and the 15% of leftist elitists, and that the media helps perpetrate the myth that we are a divided country.
To: Eagle of Liberty
Are you saying that we don’t face any problems except those that liberals want to address? That’s what your comment implies; that there aren’t any problems that can be solved using conservative principles.
posted on
12/13/2011 10:38:28 AM PST
(Anybody but Obama!!!!)
To: Hoodat
Yes, but will you support a conservative over Newt?
You betcha. My reference referred to it coming down to Newt or Romney. Something I don’t relish.
posted on
12/13/2011 10:42:30 AM PST
To: umgud
That is why I am voting Jon Huntsman. Successful governor, ambassador, the most principled, consistent conservative, strong family man, scandal-free, excellent moral values...Absolute quality and the strongest challenger to Obama.
To: erlayman
I’ve got no problem with Huntsman. He was a solid governor of Utah. Very conservative. Unfortunately, many here will label him a liberal simply because he worked for the Obama State Dept. Contempt prior to investigation. Although I currently support Santorum, I will take Huntsman any day over Mitt or McNewt.
posted on
12/13/2011 11:49:54 AM PST
(Because they do not change, Therefore they do not fear God. -Psalm 55:19-)
To: Sudetenland
No, it means returning to something that cannot be recaptured. Adults don't try to relive the past, they remember the past and move forwards [sic] and apply the lessons of the past to the present and the future.
Oh yeah, and the "[sic]" was unnecessary. You are clearly not as smart as you think.
You had an error, actually more of a regionalism. I was showing that I was quoting it exactly as found. If you think that when people want "a return to Reagan" they mean something other than "a return to the principles espoused by Reagan," then you've got some serious perceptual error. Everyone who wants a return to Reagan wants at least as much as we got then and a whole lot more (such as the full tax cut all at once, not part of it phased in over three years, a conservative dominated Republican House and Senate, and actual deconstruction of the federal government and a reconstruction of it according to the Constitution, to name a few).
posted on
12/13/2011 1:04:17 PM PST
To: Sudetenland
Are you saying that we dont face any problems except those that liberals want to address? Thats what your comment implies; that there arent any problems that can be solved using conservative principles.
Really? Is that what it implies? Hmmm. Let me try again then. When is the last time that you heard every news outlet describe legislation that was before Congress as "How will Republicans fare with this new legisation"? And I don't mean Republican politicians. I mean American populace Republicans. I would venture to say that your response will be "never".
The populace thinks in terms of Democrat pros and cons because that is how the MSM delivers the "news". So when we discuss a topic such as climate change, if you believe that humans are responsible, then you are a good American. If you do not, then you are a denier, a fool, a Big Oil lover. So, because that is how the two sides of the coin are established, politicians on our side feel the need to talk about climate change in such a way that they are not perceived as a fool. And that is what I mean by accepting the progressive premise.
And to your other point, do I believe that we face problems besides those that liberals address? I sure do. President Bush ran on the campaign platform of the Ownership Society. ONE MONTH after he won and desired to make some big changes to SS, politicians of his own Party not only abandoned him during the debate, but they stabbed him right in the back.
Conservatives have GREAT solutions, but our solutions are mocked, laughed at and ridiculed not just by the progressives, but by politicians on our own side. I expect the progressives not to agree with my positions, but the elected officials that are supposed to speak for me as well?
To: mmichaels1970
He actually writes to the contrary on page 4 of the book cited here.
Okay, then which are we to believe? The one who complements progressives for their good ideas or the one who doesn't? Or the one who bashes conservatives and then retracts?
I dont think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I dont think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate
Im against Obamacare, which is imposing radical change, and I would be against a conservative imposing radical change.
Six weeks before that:
At that time, Gingrich was full of praise for the Ryan budget. Paul Ryan has stepped up to the plate, Gingrich said. This is a very, very serious budget and I think rivals with [what] John Kasich did as budget chairman in getting to a balanced budget in the 1990s, just for the scale and courage involved
Paul Ryan is going to define modern conservatism at a serious level, Gingrich continued. You can quibble over details but the general shape of what hes doing will define 2012 for Republicans.
Newt Gingrich calls the Ryan Plan "Right-Wing Social Engineering"
I like Newt and he has some really good ideas, but he had a period right after the 2006 election losses where he has become significantly squishy on many issues.
To: jakerobins
To: Grunthor
Can anyone seriously say they trust Newt or romney?
posted on
12/13/2011 3:26:43 PM PST
GlockThe Vote
(The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
To: VanDeKoik
So cheering them protesting communism is the same as “cheering” for unions in general and the thugs that lead them? Really?
We get you are a Newtie. But, don’t accuse us of being union shills.
To: indianrightwinger
So you didnt follow that conversation at all, right?
posted on
12/13/2011 3:41:52 PM PST
(1 million in stimulus dollars paid for this tagline!)
To: giotto
Those problems don’t prevent conservatives from dreaming big that Newt will make mince meat out of Obama in debates and that will do the trick of assembling a majority coalition for Newt. That is simply a pipe dream. Won’t happen.
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