It’s hard to take Noonan seriously when 3 years ago she was gushing about what a genius Obama was.
I sincerely believe pundits should be held accountable, too.
Gushing for Obozo 3 years ago should be enough to send a pundit back to the minors.
She even "admits" it:The antipathy of the establishment not only is not hurting him at this early date, it may be helping him. It may be part of the secret of his rise. Because establishments, especially the Washington establishment, famously count for little with the Republican base:. . . because when she says "the establishment" in this case, she should be pointing at the mirror. Rush nailed it yesterday when he pointed out that just as "the greatest generation" was formed by the Great Depression, the Republican establishment was formed by the Great Debacle of 1964 - when the party nominated Barry Goldwater instead of the liberal establishment's preference of Nelson Rockefeller, and was swamped by Lyndon Johnson and hordes of Democrat senators and congressmen. And we got the awful "Great Society" mess it took us so long to unravel."You're the ones who got us into this mess."Fine, Peggy - but that was then, and this is now, and there's been a bit of history in between. Like 1980 and 1984, for instance, when the "right wing extremist" won, got the country going again, whipped inflation, and transcended communism. And like 1976, 1992, and 2008, when your wonderful moderate candidates lost to awful presidents, one worse than the next. And in the case of '08, you got a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate to go along with a San Francisco radical as Speaker of the House and a friend of Bill Ayers for a president. The further left you go with the Republican nominee, the worse the Democratic president will then be. Don't talk to me about 1964. That's ancient history, and you haven't learned a thing since before half of all Americans now living were even born.
You IS possible to be wrong about some things and right about others!
Just imagine how much we'd be bashing Noonan if she had endorsed Dede Scozzafava..