Let’s be honest, neither is Newt. He thinks he’s intelligent, which means it’s easy for people to manipulate him because he craves respect. That’s why Clinton, Pelosi, etc. used him like a puppet.
That is Newt in a nutshell. I wish more people would wake up about him. He is a dunce.
You don't.
I guess you've missed his throwing of the media types against the wall in three debates. He doesn't fear their sh*t.
“he craves respect”
I vaguely remember some story about him flying in the back of Air Force One (when Slick Willie was roosting in it) and Newt took umbrage because he thought he deserved better.
They tossed him some sort of bone and he exited the plane wagging his tail.
To nickcarraway: Newt Gingrich does not “think” he’s intelligent, he flat-out KNOWS he is. And he is certainly FAR more intelligent than Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, or YOU.
Take your little Newt Hate Fest elsewhere, troll.
Clinton never manipulated Newt. Newt pushed him to a balanced budget, welfare reform and several other legitimate Conservative points. He has a 90% rating from the ACU. He has a 98.6% Lifetime Pro-Life Rating from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).
Newt has his faults, mostly due to his having a fertile mind with lots of ideas he is open to discussing. He does so in public and as ideas are explored opinions change. The fact that someone can't alter his point of view is absurd.
Had ANYBODY but Bob Dole run against Clinton, & had
Perot not run, Clinton would have never been reelected. He won two elections and never won a majority of the electorate, far from it!
Enough of your trolling all posts Gingrich to constantly bad mouth him, We get it.
I am not a huge fan of Gingrich as President, but Cain flamed out. He didn't know how to fight back. He also was his own worst enemy by not being marginally informed with foreign policy. Bachman was high and now is low. She either wins Iowa or is done. She also has problems with employees as well. Santorum hasn't caught on and it doesn't look like he will. Romney is a non starter with 75% of the Republican electorate.
If Gingrich wins the nomination, he did so by earning it. I, and MOST Americans couldn’t give a flip about his personal life, Clinton has made that passe.
I think you may have hit upon one of Newt’s weak points.
nick, you’ve posted a whole bunch of anti-Newt posts here and I asked who your candidate is.
You don’t have to tell me, but you can’t just be against everybody ... you have to be for somebody.
So, who is it?