To: SeekAndFind
Well, I guess those poor li’l evangelicals can just re-elect an America-hating muslim.
2 posted on
11/30/2011 8:34:36 AM PST by
( Pray for Obama- Psalm 109:8)
To: Sans-Culotte
Or those evangelicals and others may vote for someone else in the primary race, and Newt may never get the opportunity to face Obama in an election race.
3 posted on
11/30/2011 8:37:07 AM PST by
(life is fragile, handle with prayer)
To: Sans-Culotte
Land hardly speaks for all Southern Baptists and is himself off the reservation quite a bit.
One could argue he is the most socially liberal SBC head ever.
Not my cup of tea.
Newt’s affairs are fair game and I think he will defend himself fine.
4 posted on
11/30/2011 8:39:58 AM PST by
(Michelle, Sarah, Perry now Newt over Mitt.....that is how I've seen it and it's where we are) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson