-—”Not sustainable. Will only last as long as it takes for the first lawsuit to hit the courts”-—
Well, that pretty much ends any hope of making future Conservative legislation, buy your logic. That’s why you work for a SCOTUS majority.
But I’m sure politicians would keep tax rates at 9-9-9 forever, though, right? As long as we’re talking “not sustainable.”
That ones gonna' get some attention me thinks! ; )
That's my primary objective with the sales tax component of 9-9-9, and why I think it's not a good idea overall.
So tell us again how a guest worker program is a good idea in this economy with millions unemployed. And how 'path to non-deportation' is not a complete Orwellian abuse of basic logic.
Off topic, but what keeps the politicos from jacking up the rates to 50% now?