Soylent Green...
No Moslem units.
No black units.
No Congressional units.
Just white, innocent Americans being sent to their deaths
by Obama and the DNC.
This is SOP for the democrats. The most egregious example is calling a child in it's mother's womb a "fetus". So people over a certain age will be "units" and children not yet born are a "fetus". See how easy it is for people with no soul?
Obama is a “unit”.
“The silence of our guns stands as testimony to our complicity with tyranny.” John A. Argese
I heard it on my way home last night. It’s a bit of audio that every American needs to hear. Anyone who wants to hear it who missed it, you can go to and click the audio link and hear the replay (free).
IMHO....ObamaCare has yet to be fully read and comprehended by anybody. It may even require computer interpretation to fully draw all the thread together. I have been told it effectively terminates Medicare by 2015-2016-not explicitly-obviously-but by the aggregation and enactment of several thousand rules and regulations.
Ezekiel Emanual MD the former White House consultant and NIH science adviser to the White House on health care HIMSELF PUBLICALLY STATED his advocacy of the Complete Lives System -a process for assessing who is “worth” society’s advocacy.
This what happens when governments are allowed to become involved in peoples’ lives and intimate decision-making. Some special few ultimately receive subsidized “special-care” -from the taxpayer-while those “unworthy” -except for their capacity to fund the “special-few”-are told to go pound sand.
“dehumanize patients and the care they receive.”=Just another name for Eugenics.
Somewhere in hell, Hitler, Margret Sanger and Mao are all smiling.
Thanks for the posting
Levin’s show doesn’t have as wide a distribution as Hannity and of course Rush. He is on Series sattellite 5pm cst till 8pm cst On the AM band here in the midwest he can be picked up rebroadcast on Detroit’s WJR am 760 at 7-10pm and rebroadcast 9-12pm WLS am 890 both stations are 50K powerhouses.
Boy that call better be an eye opener for those Obama/Romney care defenders. A neuro-surgeon specializing in strokes and blood clot treatments and corrections just got through attending a DC neuro/brain specialist insiders convention dealing with that aspect of Obamncare.
He related
All patients wil be considered “units” and units over 70 will not be recipients of their speciality. Because the decision to operate will be taken out of the surgeon hands and given to a panel of actuaries. Levin will return Monday very likely that call will be repeated by his subs and probably Monday.
Mark Levin said it was verified that the caller was who he said he was, a neurosurgeon. This call generated many other calls to warn us about Obamacare.
Another physician called Mark’s show and said they had a closed-door meeting where oncologists said govt. might put them out of business.
One of the primary developers of the software for EMR is a company called Epic. The software package cost to a hospital is close to 100 million and like all software packages will require expensive upgrades. The company is privately owned. The founder is a computer science prof from university of Wisconsin and she had help from the people at Harvard to help with development. Orwellian medicine is here.
Unit is so about calling us a “pre-corpse”
IMHO, this should be moved to Breaking News under a new title. Something like ‘Doctors Being Briefed by HHS on Death Panels’ (Levin Show Caller)