Wait’ll next year. Things will be much, much worse than they are now. The press is already overheating the warp engines to support him. They will fry the dilythium crystals by early spring. Then the whole thing will be dead in the water, for the internet blogs to come in and pick at the bones.
The truth stands easily on its own. Lies are like trying to break the speed of light. Increasing speed has an exponential effect on cost. There is not enough money in the universe to keep the obama ship moving forward. It is ten times more true today than last year, and it will be a hundred times truer next year than it is today.
It is already happening.
hope you’re right.
I’m doing my best here to get he word out, go to the Doc’s , Dentist , grocers etc and I always get a few remarks in.
Like ‘ wow things keep going up and up this economy has been awful in the last two years, hopefully we get someone next year who knows how to run a country”