I like whatching him in the debates as much as anyone.
But if it is true that he was representing big drugs during the medicare days and still epresenting them during the obummer, or is that obumbler, health care thing, then how can we trust him?
Either he is going to turn on us or turn on the people that paid him all of that money.
And that is just one of maybe 199 reasons conservatives should not vote for him.
Liking him in the debates is like watching the fights. You might watch them for amusement but you don’t want them in the family.
Typos, typos .....
He said he’s never been a lobbyist. Seems easy enough to validate.
I see so your psychology is no one is allowed to make an income at all?
You do realize he owned or was 1 of the principles of a corporation known as “Newt Inc “ and they were doing a million or more dollars a year so now thats not allowed? Only demoncrats are allowed to make money working for Uncle Sam?
I guess Boeing must fold up its blanket, an all the members of congress whose wives work in different companies have to quit?
Are you really that naive? Or just a democrat hiding in a conservative t-shirt????