To: Retired Greyhound
I love ya, Michelle, but you ALSO benefited from Fannie And Freddie, remember?
Pot, meet kettle.
10 posted on
11/16/2011 11:27:58 AM PST by
(Stop the caINSANITY, The Pizza guy is less qualified than Obama!!! No New taxes!!)
To: TitansAFC
You mean Bachmann lied about her alleged relationship to Freddie Mac like Newt has? How $300,000 consultant fee became a $1.6M eight-year retainer?
58 posted on
11/16/2011 1:04:47 PM PST by
(Governor Sarah Palin for the win! Piper Palin for President 2036 (Biden: Gird YOUR loins)) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson