From what we were able to view...did anyone’s mind change as to their candidate? or did it reinforce your support
Perry was funny, made great headway with the audience and also held his own quite well.
The winner of the debate was Gingrich, absolutely hands down, and he handed the arrogant Media putz his ass on a platter, when the fool tried to correct Newt about the legality of killing an American Citizen fighting against the United States in a foreign country. Newt was brilliant.
Romney was also very good and truly connected with the audience on several issues of national defense and security. Particularly on the subject of China.
Both Romney and Gingrich gave a strong image of being a competent Commander in Chief I would feel comfortable with either of them if it came down to it.
Perry was much better than Cain, but not nearly as good as Newt or Romney, Santorum sounded like a complete amateur and at times a borderline idiot. Bachmann is a very smart woman and is very well versed on the war in the middle east, but she is just not Presidential material. She would do fine in a cabinet position though.
L.Ron Paul needs to get back to Sunny Brook Farm and soon. His straight Jacket must be getting too big for him, because he keeps on slipping out of it for longer periods with every new debate.
It's time for the field to be reduced to 4 and soon. And maybe narrow it down to just one or two more debates......Please!