To: DTxAg; shield; Cincinatus' Wife
Now that Cain and Block have accused Perry, they're taking the "high road."
"We are referring back to Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment. Next question," Block said, referring to the former president's admonition not to attack other Republicans.
I'll be watching to see if they adhere to that rule going forward.
254 posted on
11/04/2011 11:49:39 AM PDT by
(Man is not free unless government is limited. ~Ronald Reagan)
To: BuckeyeTexan
Just a little too late....we all saw what happened to Bachmann with her attacks...
255 posted on
11/04/2011 12:04:13 PM PDT by
(Rev 2:9 Woe unto those who say they are Judahites and are not, but are of the syna GOG ue of Satan.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson