I didn’t go back that far because the Kinsey/Hefner mindset did not become the majority until1980’s (when Bloom wrote his book, “The Closing of the American Mind.) It took awhile to kick out the Classics and insert cr*p into all the schools and took jimmy awhile to establish Central Control of Education so they could completely brainwash every kid which sick perverted ideas.
It took awhile for the Foundations and Universities to push out the Classics and insert The Beats (”hanging boys with erections and sodomizing them” Naked Lunch type crap) They removed the study of Cato and Cicero for the study of homosexuals and their pornography (Ginsberg). Put it into minds by the 70’s and then by the time these sick, perverted people got total control of the culture—media, magazines, schools-—they infused their sick ideas into all.
So, even though the cultural Marxists started their takeover in the 1920’s, it didn’t become dominant until they had central control over all minds and took over the educational establishment for brainwashing and the media for corrupting the young and preventing the learning of true knowledge and Wisdom
They kicked out intellectual pursuit and replaced it with emotional debauchery.
You can't pay me enough to attend church anymore--and I was organist for 3 services a week for over 20 years.