Further on evolution.
I am a happy owner of an 8 1/2 foot Yellow Anaconda. His name is Ducky. He has, near his tail (yes snakes have tails), spurs that look like little ‘claws’. If you were to look at his skeleton, thos spurs are connected to small bones one could call ‘vestigial legs’.
As a small lad, I was steeped in evolutionary ‘lore’. I could have and would have told you that is evidence that snakes used to have legs.
I told my wife about this, and we talked some, about it, then decided to see what the Bible, specifically, Genesis might say. You know the story I presume, Eve, the serpent, she eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil based on the serpents lies. Here it is:
Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
So, Genesis was written by Moses, inspired by God. I would imagine that Moses knew little if anything at all about the idea of “evolution’, yet he wrote of a major change in form for the serpent - “upon thy belly shalt thou go”.
This was Gods curse to the serpent. Why would God curse it to ‘belly-going’ unless it didn’t currently do so, the serpent HAD legs, God cursed them away.
Moses wrote of a change of form that could be labelled ‘evolution’, not knowing anything about evolution, but rather knowing it was God that did that.
Further, Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Notice it says ‘after their kind’. Meaning that like kinds produced like kinds. Same thing later in Genesis about the land animals.
God did not say that He created a few ‘basic’ animals, telling them to change forms and multiply. Nope.
Adaptation is real (look at all the different types of dogs), but evolution is not (dogs do not, cannot produce birds, even over millions of years)
Adaptation is indeed real, but the evos just can’t separate that from “evolution”.
The difference is that evolution requires increasingly beneficial information, on a massive scale, in order to work,
whereas adaptation is the ability created in the “kind” of animal that allows it to live in various environments, ie, to become “specialized” with DECREASING amounts of information. Unfortunately, such specialization becomes a dead end, and you get a panda or koala that can’t live except on a specific diet in a specific location.