Pinging the Cain Train!
Dick Morris defends 999 (stood up to O’Reilly last night too, I heard)
Cain: ‘Darts and Arrows Never Felt So Good’ (Cain on Greta last night)
NBC News/Marist Poll 2012 South Carolina (Cain 30%, Romney 26%, Perry 9%, Gingrich 6%)
Herman Cain and Piers Morgan interview
Herman Cain and Our 9-9-9 Plan Will Defeat Barrack Obama (email from HC campaign)
Herman Cain: GOP Candidates “Getting On My Last Nerve”
Michael Steele predicts Romney-Cain ticket (blech)
Time for Herman Cain to turn the infomercial tour into a real presidential campaign
Can you believe that 28% of Republican caucus goers are going to vote for Cain? Hasn’t anyone told them that this is a race between Perry and Romney?
And where is Perry, by the way. It seems that Ron Paul is beating him in this poll to. Maybe that poll in Texas that has Cain and Paul beating Perry has some value after all...
(Of course, the Department of Defense would have to be on some kind of Ron Paul steath alert).
Boy, won’t it be great if Romney gets “sounds-like-witch”-slapped right off the bat!
Iowans like most midwesterners, don’t go for the Texan style, and will not readily forgive smartest-guy Noot for his transgressions. Cain is not only an attractive candidate on his own, but he is the logical choice to become the anti-Romney.
And he’s got to the top slot without much money, without a huge organization, and without the RNC. Think about it.
First major poll I've seen that takes place after the most recent CNN debate. The sample is of likely Iowa Caucus voters. Very good results. Go Herman!
October 18, 2011
Hermentum continues: Cain leads Ohio and HAWAII primaries
Raleigh, N.C. The Republican presidential race is very much nationalized right now, with very few regional or state-by-state differences. Rick Perry is really cratering everywhere, and Herman Cain has led comfortably in every PPP primary poll in the last two weeks, first in rural, right-leaning states like North Carolina, West Virginia, and Nebraska, then Iowa and nationally, and now joined by states as distant and different as Ohio and Hawaii. Mitt Romneys one true stronghold remains New England. Newt Gingrich is also on the rise, though not to the extent that Cain is.
I sure hope the Republican establishment is forced to
hold their noses and support Cain when he is the nominee.
Just like Ronald Reagan.
Cain, and his supporters here on FR, should not take it for granted that Cain is going to win Iowa or that Romney cannot win.
According to the media, this simply means that the voters are dissatisfied with the current group of candidates.
I don’t understand how Romney can be polling so high in Iowa....depressing. Cain is looking very very good to me.
Kicking the establishment’s butt one poll at a time.
Can’t wait until 2012! GO CAIN GO!!!
Cain 28%, Perry 7%. Being a Perry-bot has GOT to hurt!
Amazing how Perry jumped to the top without saying a word then started talking and crashed and burned fast. He must have never debated before in his life.
Mr. Cain’s attitude regarding abortion matches mine. I don’t approve of it but what right do I have to stop someone else from doing it? Certainly not the right of government to interfere. Where is the fallacy in this position? As far as gun control goes, what’s wrong with states having final say on guns? The 2nd amendment tells the feds to stay out of it. Cain misspeaks at times but so does everyone - he’s still going to be our next President.
Establishment heads are exploding...
Neo-cons are committing suicide in the streets...
Cain is in front with 28% followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 21%. Congressman Ron Paul is a distant third at 10% followed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 9%, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann at 8%, and Texas Governor Rick Perry at 7%. The sixth place finish for Perry is a sharp decline from early September when Perry was the frontrunner both nationally and in Iowa.
SIXTH in Iowa? And probably no better than FOURTH in New Hampshire. If these polls hold up, I do not believe that Perry will remain in the race long enough to get to the Iowa caucus.
American Pimp:
"Milt Romney's recent collapsing loss to Mr Cain
in the 2012 Iowa Republican Caucus (Cain 28% Romney 21%)
means as little as Romney's plummeting career-ending loss to Mr. Cain
in the Newsmax poll (71% to 7% for Myth),
or Milt's shocking loss to Herman Cain in the PPP poll ,
or Milt's incredible 3 to 1 devastating loss to Herman Cain in Florida
or Romney's third place hopeless loss to Mr. Cain in the Presidential Straw Poll
of National Federation of Republican Women, or
even Romney's humiliating loss to Mr. Cain
in the October Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage poll,
or Romney's exsanguinating loss to Cain in the
Midwest Leadership Conference Straw Poll.
At the end of the the day, this will not matter to FOX News.
No way.
By the nasty imp of McGinniss and Ailes,
you can just bet your life that we at FOX News will FOREVER pimp
... our Milt Romney as THE "leading candidate"
even when you know it is obviously not true."