More conservative Supreme Court nominees than I will from a President Obama.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want Romney either. But the above is a fact.
What, exactly, would you expect to get from a President Romney?
More conservative Supreme Court nominees than I will from a President Obama.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want Romney either. But the above is a fact.
A fact? Are you outta you mind? We’ve had a Republican majority in the White House with more appointees to the Supreme Court than dems. But what good has that done us?
I have written off the SCOTUS years ago. No way will Mitt - even if he had 5 choices to appoint - could even make a difference to that liberal cess pool..
“More conservative Supreme Court nominees...”
Everyone says that GWB appointed soldly conservative justices. I say hogwash. I remember Harriet Miers. He only appointed conservatives because conservatives had him by the throat and were threatening open revolt.
Romney is a social liberal to the core, fully aligned with his pro-abortion/pro-gay past.
Romney would appoint people like himself to the Supreme Court:
Republican social liberals.
You might as well just clone Queen Souter.
What, exactly, would you expect to get from a President Romney? (Dr. White)
More conservative Supreme Court nominees than I will from a President Obama. (nittany)
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BULLSHIT! It will never happen. Mitt will lie and say we need to nominate ‘those who can get confirmed’ then pick the most liberal under that guise, knowing the RINOS and libs will support it.
I'm not at all sure that's the case. Can you share with us how you know "the above is a fact"?
You mean like John Paul Stevens? You mean like Harry Blackmun? Or how about Earl Warren? Or David Souter?
Don't get me wrong, I don't want Romney either. But the above is a fact.
So is the fact that all of the above were appointed by Presidents with an (R) after their names.