here are my thoughts:
Romney.. um.. good grief they gave him a lot of time to talk (it was like the Romney show), and can he TALK! lol just like a good used car salesman, you can’t get him to shut up! Romney is also playing the others like chumps, getting them to destroy each other and divide the conservative vote, leaving him a clear path to the nomination.
Perry - Actually did pretty good, and this is the first time I didn’t see him fade near the end. Maybe being able to sit helped since he’s had back surgery recently, it probably also helped that every single question wasn’t an attack on him and his record. But I feel that he sort of receeded into the background a bit, helped probably by the lack of questions he received.
Cain - hm.. well.. Cain got the spot light he’s been wanting... and... he fell short in my opinion. Nothing catastrophic, but 999 is not the solution to every problem in America. He took some major hits from Santorum and Bachmann (just as Perry had in previous debates), and he is starting to look a little shallow a one trick pony.
Santorum - actually did pretty darn good tonight, this is the first time I actually liked him, and I especially liked it when he talked about the American family.
Paul - same lovable nut as always.
Gingrich - WOW freaking W O W ! what in the world! seriously, that guy is smarter than all the rest of them put together! And unlike the rest of them, I think he could actually fix things. Even with all his baggage I think Gingrich would be the one I would want to be debating Obama. Having said that, I think Gingrich has about a 1% chance of winning, which is sad. Our country is worse off because people like Gingrich are not currently serving it in some capacity.
Bachman - had a decent night too, the first one in a LONG time (with a little help from Romney) and her little dig at cain’s 999 - 666 drew some blood. It’s a shame that she can destroy anyone at will, but never aims at Romney. Romney is now using her (notice the softball he threw her) to split the conservative vote.
It irritates me that the establishment and media always are out there with their picks instead of honest summation of each candidate (they don’t know the meaning of any words just listed above)...That the democrats want Mitt Romney should tell us everything about who NOT to vote for. Perry may not do great in debates, but his record for growth, conservatism, ISRAEL supporter, PRO LIFE, are what makes me back his candidacy. Newt supported Hillary and that whole global warming crap - that is NOT a conservative view - but, he is a sharp tool to have in the box.
“Gingrich - WOW freaking W O W ! what in the world! seriously, that guy is smarter than all the rest of them put together!”
Gingrich is something of a political idiot savant. When he is hot he can tell the difference between the forest and the trees, and reference every root, twig, leaf and vein. When he is in a duh-wut phase he can’t tell the difference between a sequoia and broccoli. Brilliant, yes, but also unstable and unreliable.