old Toby should ask some of the troops he puts on USO shows for what THEY think about gays in the Mil .....he would get an ear full
I was asking a young Marine what he thought about the appeal of DADT , about a year ago . He told me this : “ When they let me billet with female Marines and they let me shower with female Marines I will be down with no more DADT , until then , FORGET IT!....”
They shoved it down his throat anyway ( no pun intended )
This entire deal was rammed down the throats of the vast majority of STRAIGHT Mil folks . They hate it , but what can they do?
Well I have a few ideas , but America would never be the same thereafter .... Toby hasn’t got a clue . You DO NOT apply CIV social mores to MIL requirements
I don’t personally agree with the repeal of DADT because I think it affect good order and discipline; however, absent any studies or polls, how can we conclude “...the vast majority of STRAIGHT Mil folks.” hate the newest policy of allowing gays to serve?