Here’s what I’d like to know. Are Vitamin D supplements equivalent to getting it through exposure to the sun, or does the latter have some “natural” benefit?
I don't know. I'm a retired chip-maker and all I know about this stuff is what I read.
I have read that Vitamin D from flax is not an effective vitamin D source though and that D3 is the desired type.
Some studies claim it is as good without the side effects, burns et
Your question is difficult to answer.
There is wide disagreement even here as to what the dosage should be. The consensus is that in much of North America, in the short overcast days of winter when it is too cold to bare adequate skin to diminished sun, D3 makes a big difference in your health. It is especially apparent in decrease in colds and respiratory problems.
Even in the summer, most of the time, I am not out of doors enough on a consistent basis to not benefit from a reduced intake of D3
If you search Free Republic you will find many threads and lots and lots of links on the subject.