When we first saw the reports of the planes hitting the tower...phone service..both landline and cell, was intermittent because of the heavy volume. I'd been trying for an hour to reach her..but no luck. About 30 minutes after the first plane hit...they started to evacuate her building...she was on the 23rd floor..they walked down...she was about halfway down when they cancelled it, and told them all to go back to their offices...as she was starting back up, I got through to her on her cell...I told her to leave, do not go back.. go down, get out, and start walking north..we later met near Canal Street..I had to walk most of the way down from from Grand Central. As she exited her building, and started to head across the plaza..some of the bodies were landing. Several were quite close to her and others, before they started roping the whole area off and keeping people away as they left the victimns..
The past decade has bee difficult for her..she got help to deal withe the trauma...is still on some meds, and has tuned down a few jobs that would have had her working in skyscrapers...
Wow, what a story, Ken. It’s great she has gotten some help, but your daughter needs to understand God was with her that day and he has a purpose for her that she needs to find. She also needs to know she has to actively make a choice to use this experience as a stepping stone for her life purpose. It is her choice.
It sounds she is lucky to have a Dad like you who can give her loving support.
Good luck my FRiend.
Ten years gone and my emotions about that day are still raw as hell, too. Best wishes to you and yours.
I am so sorry to hear this.....Praise God you got through to her on the phone and she listenend to you and heeded your warning!
Happy Birthday Ken! what a great story of a daughter who listened to dad at a critical time! I hope she can find some peace eventually.
She experienced a traumatic life changing event. I read many of the survivors say the hell of memory is so bad they wish they had perished with the others. Sad to read and hear of this type of mentality but those of us on the outside looking in have no clue the horror that these folks endured
My daughter is a sophomore at Pace right now and I am nervous. Her dorm is in Brooklyn and she loves to walk over the bridge.
Anyway Father Mychal Judge gave general absolution to all the jumpers. General absolution has its purpose - Thank God - it is misused sometimes.
Thank God your daughter had someone who was thinking straight convince her to do the right thing and save her own life. In retrospect, it is still chilling to hear dispatchers tell people to stay in place because help is coming.