I’m not a “Perrybot”, but among the offered choices he seems to be the best choice (so far). Romney is the ultimate RINO. He had the opportunity to take down Kennedy in 1994 by ripping him to shreds, but instead decided to emphasize how much he “agreed” with Ted on social issues. I trust Perry WAY more than Romney. Yes, I realize that Romney was in MA and had to appear to be “electable” to the leftist kooks who won’t vote for a “conservative”. But as governor, Romney went above and beyond the call of duty to make tapes of his support for gays and abortion. He could have kept his big yapper shut and just governed. And Romneycare has been a disaster. That may be his downfall, because he owns it.
I agree Romney is pond scum. I voted for him last time, huge mistake (not that Suckabee or McLame were much better).
If it ends up either/or with Perry/Romney when it gets to my primary I’d vote for Perry, but I don’t trust him.