Professor up first. Again with Sect. 5 of 14th amendment on equal protection question. Can Congress can use it to overturn Roe vs Wade. Newt says yes. Attacks the Warren court for expanding court's power. Lists other examples where the court has gone too far. Says Congress has the power to regulate the court's jurisdiction and should. Says he wouldn't go as far as Jefferson when he eliminated many posts. He'd only remove Judge (Sam) Biery of San Antonio and the 9th Circuit. (People laugh.)
Newt says given the state of things a federal marriage amendment is the only way to defend marriage.
DeMint mentions stimulus and coming Obama job's plan. Says Obama won't listen to his failures. Said going to Detroit would've been a great opportunity to learn this. Says repeal Dodd-Frank (Perry mentioned this at his SC townhall this morning). Would replace EPA with a solutions agency. Would repeal Sarbanes Oxley. 0 cap gains. 12.5% corporate tax rate. 100% expensing so farmers and others will have the most modern equipment. No death tax because it's immoral.
What about debt? Quit running a deficit. Says he favors it for practical reasons. Says the super committee is a dumb idea. Suggests modernizing government to save billions. Mentions "Strong America Now."
King asks what his first legislative priority would be. Says the King bill to repeal ObamaCare. Talking about Lincoln as an example of decision making and seeking God's guidance.
Asked about immigration. Too many legal immigrants? Merit system over familial connections? Says economic weakness is a limiting factor on allowable immigration numbers. Mentions importance of assimilation. Mentions hundreds of languages used in Chicago Schools. Says comprehensive immigration reform cannot happen. Bush couldn't do it with one party gov't and Obama couldn't with his party gov't. Border control first. 100% of control however that needs to be done. Jokingly would ship half the bureaucrats in DC to the border. Ron Paul up next.
It really is a shame that Newt is a crotchety old bastard with domestic baggage. He really know his stuff, and could really tackle of a lot of problems in the US government.
But leadership has a lot to do with personality, and his is awful.
Maybe the nominee will at least use him as an advisor.
Thanks for your great updates!
Steve King asking what conditions would he put in a Balanced Budget Amendment. No tax hikes to balance the budget. Says GDP is a deceptive measure for linking a balanced budget amendment to. Need to change people from an entitlement mentality. Predicting inflation next summer. He wouldn't have troops stationed anywhere outside the U.S. Says we should've asked "What was the motivation behind 9/11?"
Professor asking about the 14th amendment and equal protection used against Roe vs Wade. Ron Paul would remove the court jurisdiction so the states could decide. Says the 14th can't be used that way because it doesn't repeal the 10th. Professor doesn't like his answer.
Asking whether the fed has any role in poverty reduction. Says it's a state issue but the federal government can fight it with sound monetary policy.
Romney up now.