Steve King asking what conditions would he put in a Balanced Budget Amendment. No tax hikes to balance the budget. Says GDP is a deceptive measure for linking a balanced budget amendment to. Need to change people from an entitlement mentality. Predicting inflation next summer. He wouldn't have troops stationed anywhere outside the U.S. Says we should've asked "What was the motivation behind 9/11?"
Professor asking about the 14th amendment and equal protection used against Roe vs Wade. Ron Paul would remove the court jurisdiction so the states could decide. Says the 14th can't be used that way because it doesn't repeal the 10th. Professor doesn't like his answer.
Asking whether the fed has any role in poverty reduction. Says it's a state issue but the federal government can fight it with sound monetary policy.
Romney up now.
Would he privatize Fannie & Freddie? He says yes. Would he repeal Sarbanes-Oxley? Says it made it harder on mid-sized businesses to get the capital needed to grow. Large companies have legions of lawyers to deal with it. Small business is based on sweat-equity and not really effected. Corporations are made up of people and we want people to succeed.
How would he made decisions? He writes things down and summarizes, he speaks to his wife, he prays.
Professor asking about the courts, on the 14th amendment Roe vs Wade. Romney would appoint justices that would overturn Roe vs. Wade and return it to the states. He would not pursue a "constitutional crisis" by pushing the 14th amendment idea. Would the running mate be prolife and pro traditional marriage. Romney says the person would have some prodding where he only said he believes so.
Romney asked about Catholic and religious organizations being driven from adoptions because of same-sex adoption laws in Illinois. MA had a similar problem. Says institutions should be allowed to practice their faith in particular where there are competing organizations that could serve others such as same-sex couples. He would return to Bush policy protecting acts of conscience.
DeMint asking about unions. Right-to-work? Said he'd sign a federal right-to-work bill if it came to his desk but says it's a state issue. Says right-to-work is the way to go if you want good jobs. Says unions collecting dues to be used for political purposes that the union bosses decide to use as they see fit rather than the worker. Says it's a form of corruption.
Asked about foreign policy. Hitting Obama on calling Assad a "reformer" rather than a "killer." Says the foreign policy questions to ask are "does it strengthen America", "does it promote our values", "can we link arms with our allies?" Mentions Obama "throwing Israel under the bus."
Healthcare? Calls ObamaCare as unconstitutional, dealing with 100% of people instead of just 8% of uninsured like RomneyCare.
That's the end.