She resigned because of the “issue of time and state assets and money?” Nothing is more costly, time-consuming and risky to a state government than losing a good governor in midterm. Nothing she can say or do will explain that away.
Every leader makes mistakes. Bill Clinton had Monica, possibly the stupidest thing a Rhodes scholar has ever done. Even the great Ronald Reagan had Iran-Contra and came closer to impeachment than many people realize.
Palin is still young and inexperienced — and has plenty of time to come back. Instead of whining about Katie Couric being a mean girl, Palin should do what Clinton did when he was young and arrogant governor in Arkansas. He lost his governorship, painfully acknowledged his mistakes to the voters, buckled down and came back strong. And the rest is history.
Palin can do it too.
I see truth, honesty and logic have no impact on you. Enjoy the wreckage of Obama’s second term.