So Mitt bought his way onto the Tea Party Express?
Bingo! My thoughts exactly!
He could buy Lipton AND won’t make a difference..
"Whoever the Republican nominee is will have to have the support of the Tea Party movement, the entire Tea Party movement," Chairwoman Amy Kremer said.I guess Amy Kremer now thinks she speaks for the whole Tea Party.Kremer went on to say the Tea Party is "completely neutral," adding that it "just wants to see the cream rise to the top... If Romney is the nominee I believe that we want to defeat Barack Obama."
Given Mormon dietary habits shouldn’t he say he’s with the Milk Party?
Who in their right mind invited (or approved) Slick Willard the future “god” of his own planet to a Tea Party Rally? Whoever it was should have their head examined... Romneycare and his ongoing support of it proves that he is NOT a conservative, neither does he represent or support the values and views of the Tea Party.
All of the republican candidates have been invited to speak at tea parties.
The tour is ending in a republican presidential debate in Tampa on Sept 12th.
Makes sense to me.
He will probably be called on all of his liberal policies.