To: zzeeman
Sorry for the long winded rant but I have been a bit annoyed at hearing some people simply minimize the threat of this storm based on wind speed and/or category, without taking into consideration the most relevant factors. Especially after that mega-quake the other day. It's a real one-two punch for sure. Someone needs to post that image of the knocked over chair... this time with a second chair blown over.
To: Cementjungle
All of those chairs, and the table will be blown into the next county by tomorrow!
1,110 posted on
08/27/2011 1:09:42 PM PDT by
("We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.")
To: Cementjungle
1,150 posted on
08/27/2011 1:40:37 PM PDT by
(WH says potus didnÂ’t feel the earthquake. No worries. Another is scheduled for November 2012)
To: Cementjungle
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