It's the law. And its practical. When you consider that the majority of the illegals come through via trucks, a fence makes awesomely good sense.
As far as the "expense" it was all totally funded ...over 3 1/2 years ago...and Bush simply refused to build it, and squandered a chunk of it on his 'virtual fence'...which has now been universally acknowedged to be a complete failure and mistake.
A hard real double fence is needed. Just like as designed by the Israeli's, and incorporated in the officially enacted Congressional Plan of Duncan Hunter...which Bush signed into law...and then fraudulently failed to implement as required by that law...and Obama pretends it doesn't even exist as a legal requirement...
Yep, and now the pro-amnesty people here want Bush2, and they think we are all dumb enough to fall for it again.
It's the law. And its practical. When you consider that the majority of the illegals come through via trucks, a fence makes awesomely good sense.
Watch the video at Post 51 of illegals jumping the fence like jackrabbits and blow-torching through the Fence. It makes no sense at all.
So, the U.S. Government builds the Fence for $3 Billion to keep trucks from driving though. How could you possibly counteract that?
It's not Rocket Science.
Truck ride to Raul's Ladder Rental's secret crossing point on Mexican side: 1,250 Pesos
Raul's ladder rental fee: 500 Pesos
Ladder Assistant to help women over the Fence: Complementary (Raul is a gentleman)
Truck ride pick up at secret crossing point on the U.S. side by Raul's cousin Roberto: 500 Dollars
Laughing at the end of the day over a few Coronas at how easy it was to defeat a $3 Billion Fence: Priceless.
Thepatriot1's suggestion (See Post 62), now that makes sense.