Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about. Carbon-14 dating is used to date old pottery, not the age of the earth let alone the universe.
The age of the universe has been determined by three different independent techniques, all of which yield the same age.
The age of the universe has been determined by three different independent techniques, all of which yield the same age.
And what techniques might those be? Science has never determined it. I'm sure Drs. Snelling, J. Morris, Woodmorappe, and Steven Meyer would love to hear it. Wjhat you left out (conveniently) is that all current techniques assume that the model is correct. As an example, using light to determine age runs into the horizon problem: you assume that all variables remain constant, everywhere. You are left with a hypothesis, but it's not something that can be proved.
So I prefer to go with what CAN be proved: the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and his fulfillment of 365 prophecies attributed to the Messiah. That alone gives me a baseline to "prove all things, hold onto that which is good". And if he is truth embodied in human form, then everything he has said is true.(1 Th 5:21 and John 17:17).