No -- many of us realize that this time, it's for all the marbles, and we cannot make the mistake of nominating another go along-get along RINO, an establishment pol, a stealth moderate, globalist, open borders, slower-route-to-hell, Republican.
We've got to stick to our guns and put forth that candidate who is a true reformer, and who will not hesitate to knock heads off Commies or RINOs to fix this country. In short, we need someone who is nearly willing to die to get the job done (I can think of only one).
We know that the foundations of this country are buckling, and that another milquetoast country clubber isn't going to stop the collapse from occurring.
If we can't get the absolute best possible fighter elected next November, then let us prepare for the inevitable 'reset'. To hell with compromise. That's what got us where we are today. Compromise is simply saying to the Commies, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"
NO! We stand. We fight. We take our country back one way or another!
Yes— I would take a wish washy conservative as president with a conservative house and senate any day of the week. That is where legislation to decided and the president would have to sign legislation they sent up if he wanted to continue the charade.