I am pretty sure she did not expect this information to be dumped on a Friday night.
Think I am going to try and ride out the storm.
It would be the best thing to do. My son always says when
the stock market goes down that “now it’s on sale and it
will help him in the long run”....and I think he’s right!
If you aren’t already retired and having to USE that money
that has melted away.
At this point I don’t really think it matters where your money is...even in a mattress it is just not worth a lot. My money is in beef, chickens, things I can eat if they don’t bring money...I still don’t feel secure.
I think “ride it out”, “be a long term investor” are in the financial advisers handbook.
No wonder they are the happiest profession, they make money on deposits no matter if you do or not. Holding has no negative consequence for them. Cash earns no commissions and has no upside.
We have been scammed for the last 30 years by this 401K bullshit.