Just wait until there’s no money for food stamps and welfare checks...
Yes. Either that or when OweBama loses in November 2012, whichever comes first--and that race is getting tighter by the day.
According to the IRS (heard this on Rush) if you taxed 100% of the earnings of all Americans earning income $1Million or over, you'd end up with less than one trillion dollars.
The debt is now 16 or 17 trillion, depending on how fast Obama tries to buy votes before 2012. The fact is that he cannot tax us into solvency based on INCOME alone. He will have to SEIZE - seize 401Ks, IRAs, Roth IRAs, Corporate Assets (you here this Apple? MS?), hell maybe even UNION assets! He will have to that, or he will have to take the ENTIRE GDP of this country (ALL INCOME, ALL PROFIT, ALL ASSETS made) to even dent the debt.
The real plan is to push this debt down to our children, our progeny and enslave them forever - all for the sake of a bunch of lazy soths who think all they have to do is vote to get everything they want.
Or when Obama loses in 2012.