From television. From the Internet. From their parents. From “their” president.
It’s a long, long set of train tracks to get where we are now, and the race pimps have been ridin’ dem rails for a long time.
They think this is “their moment” to get some payback, I suppose.
Combine that with youthful rebelliousness, disdain for authority, and a lack of Christian morals, and you have Hell in the streets waiting to happen.
The left knows this, fosters it, and foments it.
The Left has spent decades programming these folks with the idea they are powerless and it is the white man's fault. Then, when groups of them get a taste of the raw power inherent in terrorizing and mobbing people, they start to embrace that. It's addictive--they'll be back until they get hit with a force response that removes the power trip and replaces it with something else not so desireable.
That is the ugly truth of the matter.
BTW, it won't be long before other demographics get the idea they can do this stuff, too, that their rights are just as 'equal'.
I saw this in High School (late '60s/Early '70s), on a smaller scale.
Be prepared to defend your life, your home, your neighborhood, if need be, not just against the 'usual suspects', either. If you have teenagers, be especailly concious of who they hang out with and where they are.