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To: 2ndDivisionVet
The comments from the Nebraskans who whammed this communist author were wonderful!

trotter wrote on Jul 17, 2011 10:56 AM:

" Do you get paid for this or is this just a personal blog? "

Blue Phrog wrote on Jul 17, 2011 10:59 AM:

" Bad case of "Queen bee syndrome" here. "

Mary wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:10 AM:

" Are you as arrogant as your article sounds? Your comment about the political wisdom of the people in the potato chip isle is insulting and very revealing about your thought process. That's how you judge someone's intelligence? Why not debate the issues instead? That explains your over the top reaction to Sara Palin. "

spoofproof wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:11 AM:

" It is amazing how so much kneejerk vituperation pours out of the Socialist Left toward Sarach Palin. All Palin has to do is wiggle her little finger and the Socialist Left has a fit. The woman who wrote the foregoing column must have incipient Left Socialist tendancies. And guess what? A Socialist will murder you for your own good. There isn't a nickel's worth of difference between a zealous Socialist and a zealous devotee of Islam. They'd as soon kill you as look at you. But then, the most of the "socialists" who live in the U.S.A. are not really dedicated, zealous Socialists; they are hypocrites; loudmouthed, troublemaking hypocrites. I'd wager the woman who wrote this column would have a little thrill of sick satisfaction if it were reported Sarah Palin had been killed or dropped dead from overwork. Socialists are are hateful & sick. Riots in Madison Wisconsin & ruination in Detroit Michigan prove the violence and the miserable failure of Marxist Socialism in the United States of America. "

scott p wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:11 AM:

" About the only thing I learned from that was the writer has an insect problem in her home. I'm surprised that as a liberal, she is willing to kill insects with toxic chemicals. And, like a good liberal, she is only treating the symptom of a problem and not the cause. When you have ants, you have to locate and destroy the colony. Otherwise, she will probably continue to throw toxic bug bombs at the problem. "

Sandy wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:13 AM:

" Why so negative over someone who is not running yet....My advice would be to save the hatred for WHEN AND IF she runs. Till then, stay cool....but then again, these libs are getting out in front of the ONE WHOM THEY FEAR CAN AND WILL BEAT OBAMA. "

cruiszn wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:18 AM:

" Wow with all the substance in your rant, like all the others like you in your LSM, how could ANYBODY carry their own state??? Too many Alaskans only know the LSM lies that have been perpetrated against the governor.

I love the way you immediately go to the tired old "quit her first term...". Have you ever mounted a defense for 20 frivolous lawsuits that threatened your livelihood, your family business, home, savings and JOB in costs? A real journalist might just be smart enough to see the cost, ESPECIALLY considering of the sheer vitriol and frivolity in which they were launched, and see why any sane person would "quit" in her first term. She was driven out by rabble like yourelf, madam!

Her transition team was in place long before she quit, and she served longer as governor than the current buffoon in the white house served as junior senator did in his elected office. He cheated his way into his first office, and has cheated the American people ever since.

Alaskans read some of the garbage your ilk puts to print, and sadly too many of them believe your garbage. Is it any wonder she cannot win her home state in a presidential election?

Put that ice on your head. And leave it. "

fct wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:19 AM:

" Really? That's the best you can do? The author comes across as a hateful, small-minded person. I hope she really isn't. "

Howard Lee wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:25 AM:

" Unfortunately, the writer, who appears to write for Obama and the DNC, did not have a blood vessel burst in her brain. That would have been poetic justice. "

Nick Danielson wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:30 AM:

" Wow with all the substance in your rant, like all the others like you in your LSM, how could ANYBODY carry their own state??? Too many Alaskans only know the LSM lies that have been perpetrated against the governor.

I love the way you immediately go to the tired old "quit her first term...". Have you ever mounted a defense for 20 frivolous lawsuits that threatened your livelihood, your family business, home, savings and JOB in costs? A real journalist might just be smart enough to see the cost, ESPECIALLY considering of the sheer vitriol and frivolity in which they were launched, and see why any sane person would "quit" in her first term. She was driven out by rabble like yourelf, madam!

Her transition team was in place long before she quit, and she served longer as governor than the current buffoon in the white house served as junior senator did in his elected office. He cheated his way into his first office, and has cheated the American people ever since.

Alaskans read some of the garbage your ilk puts to print, and sadly too many of them believe your garbage. Is it any wonder she cannot win her home state in a presidential election?

Put that ice on your head. And leave it. "

Bettyhere wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:32 AM:

" So it's TRUE! Palin does live in the heads of liberals and makes their heads burst. Ya gotta love it! "

Michael wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:33 AM:

" Palin Derangement Syndrome with actual physical effects.

For liberal losers who deal in feelings rather than of facts, this could become dangerous. "

jrobinson wrote on Jul 17, 2011 11:42 AM:

" You actually manifested physical symptoms because Palin seems like she "might run", and that offends you deeply because of all the Left wing nonsense you've heard from your friends, and you feel the overwhelming need to take a shot at her publicly. In fact, you can't help but publicly humiliate her, no matter what she does. Just the fact that her very name has "intruded" in your "space", requires you to lash out, not only to vent your frustration but to publicly assure your Left wing friends that, yes, your hate is still strong.

Palin Derrangement Syndrome. That's all I gotta say. "

glenn wrote on Jul 17, 2011 12:28 PM:

" You don't actually get paid to write this left-wing-excrement, do you? Why does Sarah scare you dimmy-craps? "

R. Woods wrote on Jul 17, 2011 12:31 PM:

" This is what I like most about Sarah Palin. She causes liberals heads to explode. Keep up the good work Sarah. Will be going to see Undefeated this week "

Laura H wrote on Jul 17, 2011 12:50 PM:

" What I really don't understand is this: If indeed Sarah Palin is such a dolt, an idiot and unqualified publicity seeker, why are you so upset about her? Were you so angry and horrified at the possible candidacy of Donald Trump? What about good old perennial candidate Ralph Nader?

It seems to me, observing all the hysterical vitriol directed toward Mrs. Palin, that it's because she's a beautiful woman who might possibly have a chance to win! I doubt if she could get the nomination, truly, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why she causes other women -- and liberal men -- to pop blood vessels when she is featured in Newsweek magazine. "

susan wrote on Jul 17, 2011 12:57 PM:

" I have blood vessels popping right and left after reading this article. I am no Palin fan, but this was a silly, condescending article and a complete waste of time.

Susan Hoppe Wichita, KS "

Phil Gee wrote on Jul 17, 2011 1:34 PM:

" You must have had a brain anuerysim after Obama's Nobel prize. "

Judy wrote on Jul 17, 2011 2:16 PM:

" Well Happy Birthday! Those grey hairs Sarah's fault also? Please do post a jpg of that eye for the appropriate amount of sympathy. " "

Kenneth Neil wrote on Jul 17, 2011 4:22 PM:

" We know that 9 of 10 welfare parasites in Chicago picked the current resident alien as President. What does that say? Your problem is that you think of yourself as so much brighter than everyone else, which is fairly normal yet still, erroneous. It is apparent that your choice is Obama, despite the fact that his policies have been abject failures. Look again at those 2 shoppers of 10, there are unemployed or can only get part-time work thanks to your choice. I can see why you don't publish your name with your writing. "

michael phillips wrote on Jul 17, 2011 5:49 PM:

" I find it hilarious that those that hate Sarah Palin the most are those that feel a driving impulse to write about her. You are fixated on her so bad that even though (as you Say) she caused your blood vessel to chose to spend 5 minutes writing a hit column about her. Chill out, you are correct in that she will not run and if she does she will not be chosen to run further. Why should you be mad at her, it was Time magazine that chose to write about her.. WHY???????? because she makes good fodder for the Liberal media and also good money for them. And exactly what would we see if we were to see you checking out the chips in the local store.... Constant denigration of your fellow Americans can only cause a serious lack of readership for your column. Please read the "Please Note" below the Post Comment area below your article and see if YOU have obeyed the rules I obeyed.. Mike Phillips shopping in the Potato Chip Aisle in the Great state that spawned President Obama to our eternal shame.. "

Jack Rail wrote on Jul 17, 2011 6:08 PM:

" Another liberal who just has to blame his/her/its woes on Sarah Palin. Liberals can't take responsibility for anything. They could trip over their own feet and it would be the fault of Sarah Palin. Or George W. Bush. "

Alan Stout wrote on Jul 17, 2011 10:33 PM:

" Mainstream Media Is Not Reporting On Incredible Trend in Palin Poll Numbers

POLL: Palin, Romney Take Lead Among Iowa Conservatives As Early Race Tightens

If Sarah Palin Gets in the Race, She Will be the Candidate to Beat

Jobs Report: OK, Now You Can Panic

Palin can ‘snap her fingers’ for money, run and beat Obama, warns GOP expert


In these ways Gov. Sarah Palin is out of step with the culture: She does not think that being non-judgmental is the highest good. She believes there is evil in the world and we should name it and stand against it. She is not intimidated by those deemed more important by the media. Counter to her reputation, she follows policymaking, understands it, and pronounces correctly on it. These things may outweigh her undeniable immersion in the pop-cultural swamp.

There is just one thing that should be remembered about Sarah Palin - she is smarter than 999 out of any 1,000 people in politics and the MSM. Thomas Sowell is smarter than everyone, so he out matches her; Victor Davis Hanson may, as well...but you won't find too many others who actually do.

She's running intellectual rings around everyone - and doing it so well that even her critics don't notice it, even if they have no wit to understand that they might not know as much as they think. We have seen this before, by the way - the man's name was Ronald Reagan.

SARAH PALIN’S history of executive and leadership positions (in brief):

1996 - Elected Mayor of Wasilla -

1999 - Reelected Mayor of Wasilla -

2002 - Elected as President of AK Conference of Mayors by fellow mayors in the state -

2003 - Appointed by Governor(and fmr Senator) as Chairman of AK Oil and Gas Agency (A major leadership post in the state’s most vital economic field and industry) -

2006 - Elected Governor -

2007 - Elected Chairman of Interstate Oil and Gas Compact, a multi-state/intl group focused on energy development -

2008 - Nominated by GOP as Vice Presidential nominee after being selected by party’s Presidential nominee ***

BARRACK OBAMA’S history of executive and leadership positions pre-presidency: _____________

That pretty much sums up my point.

Anybody that thinks Sarah Palin is not capable of being a great president, may have their mind changed by reading about her accomplishments. She not only stood up to corrupt Republicans, she fired, fined, and jailed them. She not only stood up to big oil companies, she beat them at their own game, and brought them in line. “Conservatives4Palin” has a lot of information. Also, her book, “Going Rogue,” and apparently the new documentary film, “The Undefeated.”

Don’t judge her, at least until after you do research. If there is someone better to be our president, please tell me who. "

William Guthrie wrote on Jul 18, 2011 1:09 PM:

" Read the article for a perfect illustration of the meaning of "lamestream media". "

Joe Krall wrote on Jul 18, 2011 3:22 PM:

" This was a waste of 500 words. Why are liberals so fixated with Palin? An attractive, successful woman with a husband who put his job on hold to help raise the kids so she could pursue her dreams - you would think she would be a feminists dream. Oh wait, attractive and pro-life = we must destroy her. "

Russell Tibbitts wrote on Jul 18, 2011 3:23 PM:

" Palin Rage is a very serious (though little understood) condition and you should try to get help for it. With treatment you may be able to learn not to project your insecurity and not invest so much emotional energy in a public figure of limited importance in the actual circumstances of your life. "

MJB Wolf wrote on Jul 18, 2011 3:32 PM:

" The comments here are great! Much better than the actual article, though it had some humor too. What is it about Sarah that drives liberals so mad? Whatever it is, we need a whole bunch of it in evidence next election because this stuff is fun to watch.

'Exploding eyeball at 3 o'clock. Duck!'

50 posted on 07/18/2011 5:42:34 PM PDT by Paul Ross (Ronald Reagan-1987:"We are always willing to be trade partners but never trade patsies.")
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To: Paul Ross

Hmmmm. The reply at 11:42 was from a jrobinson. Interesting!

56 posted on 07/18/2011 6:04:52 PM PDT by andrew2527
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To: Paul Ross

It looks like some freepers are having some fun at the site. Including our own Jim Thompson.

58 posted on 07/18/2011 6:09:25 PM PDT by mickey finn (Obama and most of DC is proof that the idiocracy era is 500 years early.)
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To: Paul Ross

Notice how the latest lie wormed its way into the comments? ‘Sarah Palin’s movie bombed’...uh, no.

80 posted on 07/19/2011 4:27:02 AM PDT by who knows what evil? (G-d saved more animals than people on the
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