The worst part of that debate is VH acted like he and the Dems had nothing to do with where we are, have no plan other than future spending cuts and criticizes Jordan’s plan. How can Wallace let him get away with that and no simply axe, where’s your plan?
Jordan did a fantastic job using the common sense arguments and calling their bluffs. Pass Cap, Cut and Balance and forget these useless debates.
Pray for America
The MSM, as represented by the Dallas Morning News, has begun it’s campaign. the whole front section was full of lies, propaganda and slanted info.
The front page ... I cannot believe it — they pulled out that old chestnut — The Lady in the Wheel Chair. With picture. She may be under a bridge eating from the garbage cans soon if we don’t give in to Obama.
Regarding a balanced budget amendment I would caution everyone:
If ever enacted (not likely but-), the Left would use it to advance programmatic tax hikes into law whenever budgets are out of whack.
These would be tax hikes that would never have to be voted on. They’d take effect automatically.