They don't like it because they have been taken over by leftist with agenda that is no more credible than leftists promoting global warming nonsense.
If you want to spew their leftist crap here, you should for the ignoramus you are.
What are you talking about? American in Israel wasn’t spewing any “leftist crap.” Re-read his post.
I applaud Bachman for helping people, and respect her for doing so without milking it for political points. My opinion for her has gone up considerably.
The American Psychiatrist Association should be a Politicaly neutral group, but obviously is not. I would point out that the success rate of the APA vs the Christian Church in freeing people from the destructive homosexual lifestyle is appalling. Psychiatrists are woefully inept. It is funny that they, of all subjects would not touch this issue with a ten foot pole. But then, hatred of morality seems to draw them out like bears to beehives.
Here you call someone a IGNORAMUS??