NB that assisting those who are straw-buyers of guns running them into Mexico (eg, giving them money or other material assistance) qualifies this activity as “international terrorism” as defined in USC Title 18.
This is not a small thing. Just watching passively whilst straw buyers come in and then trying to trace where the guns go afterwards is a known and upheld law enforcement practice.
But if the DOJ/DEA/et al gave any material assistance.... the Congress should use their platform to accuse Holder (et al) of taking part in international terrorism. And then they should offer to hear from Mexican law enforcement in sworn testimony.
“to accuse Holder (et al) of taking part in international terrorism”
....”civilian security force. Just as well.....funded.”
They need to keep dripping the information out. That Melson went in without DOJ attorneys and with his own personal attorney is the story. Melson knows just how far this goes. There’s no way this doesn’t go straight into the oval office.