The more parents take charge of their own child's education the support for government education will be undermined. The more quickly a child can move through his education the less he will use the government schools.
Government schools need two things: Students and voter who will give them money. Credentialing exams robs the government schools of both students ( and the money that comes with each child) and voter support.
Also...ALL of K-12 could be on the Internet. It could even be completely free to the student if the the producers of the on-line material and the testing agencies accepted advertising. In fact, excellent on-line teacher could become very rich ( Mark Zuckerman rich!)
For some reason, “Also...ALL of K-12 could be on the Internet,” made me think of some of my high school classes.
In high school, I was eager to learn, but had to put up with just a few losers whose goal was to disrupt class. Sometimes I wonder what I missed due to dirtbags who should have dropped out or been expelled.
Motivated students will benefit from these new methods and to hell with the rest.