Ask a few Texas conservatives what they think of Rick Perry.
Are those the same ones who thought GW Bush is not conservative enough?
Read today that the Bildabergers (sp) are pushing Perry. Perry’s former campaign manager just walked off of Newt’s campaign yesterday. Perry had said that he would not campaign without that guy (can’t recall his name). I guess he has his campaign manager now, he will run with the bilder’s money, and be the “establishment” candidate. I believe that if he runs, Sarah won’t run.
Simply- no. I will never vote for Perry. He’s only conservative while he’s campaigning. Cue Pete Townsend, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again.”
He’s the stop Romney candidate. Romney’s weaknesses are emerging too quickly.
Those backroom GOP-E guys are running themselves silly.
Exactly. No to Perry
O.K. I am one. Considering all the other candidates and yet-to-be-announced candidates, my vote will definitely go to Perry. Yes, he has made mistakes (the backing of the land grab for his TTC idea, his intrusion into parental responsibilities with his mandatory injections of minors, his democrat supporting history, his overall stance on illegal immigration matters (as compared to Arizona and Alabama), etc do not make him anything but a politician. His overall history of being a conservative (Texas being the best job creator in America, strong backing of the 10th & 2nd Amendments, successful business man, good management of state spending priorities, etc) has put him at the top of my list. Texas is a weak Governor state and much of the state's success belongs to his Lt. Governor and the majority rule of Republicans in both the Senate and House. It has been Perry that has fostered this success and signed good, conservative bills into law. The replacement of Perry by Lt. Gov. Dewhurst would be a welcome replacement. Perry would be an excellent President (or even vice-president)in this life-long Texas voters opinion.
Perry has not been the best conservative in the world, immigration has been his Achilles heel, but overall he has done little harm, which is a big positive for any politician.
He is a democrat converted to republican. Not that this would necessarily make him a moderate or liberal, but this in my opinion would:
>Trans-Texas Corridor.
>Confiscation of thousands of acres of private farm and ranch land via eminent domain laws.
>Forced gardasil injections to school aged girls.
>Mexican trucker program.
>Lethargic attention to border security.
>Allowing sanctuary cities for years while in office.
>Attending the super secret Bilderburg meeting and not being transparent in regards to the agenda.
>In state tuitions for kids of illegals.
I have to say, he is pro-2nd amendment, pro-life, and is a professing Christian.
In a race against Obozo, I'd vote for Perry. Is he the most conservative candidate? Nope.