January 20, 2013 will be their day of judgment.
What if we take them up on it, and find them instances of Palin’s stellar conduct instead of the dirt they want?
Has anything ever been done like this before? Their fear is palpable. On the other hand, both newspapers are desperate for sales and revenue.
"Perhaps you'd like me to come in there and wash your dick for you, you little sh*t."
- John Gieguld in Arthur.
Digging dirt on Palin = shovel ready jobs!
Strange. WaPo just pulled this stunt, then NYT announced this.
After Talking Points Memo, and basically what HoffPost/Koz horde were dreaming of doing ever since 2008.
It is almost as if there is a, dare I say it, coordinated effort....
The Washington Compost is doing the same thing. Commies working in lock step.
The comments on their web site are almost 90% negative against the post.
She is almost not even human anymore. She is a purpose. Its unbelievable. We should all be shuddering and going to her defense
Previous ping that sounds like the same story...isn't. This one's from the NY Times, the previous one was the Washington Post. No one in possession of even a small bit of sanity could look at these two stories and deny the liberal bias...and the fear of Palin.
I don’t know, i’d rather uncover proof of Weener sexting underage girls from his gov’t ofc. He’s actually IN office, while Palin is [thus far] a private person.
Some good comments...
They have a track record...
Maybe the new managing editor could call Larry Flynt - he offered a million for dirt on unfaithful 'public servants' and later had to explain (after MUCH response) that he ONLY wanted dirt on Republicans. Too bad the Times can't be as honest and straight forward as Larry Flynt...
The left not only loathes Palin but they obviously fear her. To not recognize that at this late date is to be willfully blind to reality. No other potential or announced candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination has received anywhere near the same kind of attention, albeit, negative. Only president George W. Bush, whom the leftmedia hated with a passion, received anywhere near the same level of scrutiny and criticism. Sarah Palin confounds the left and I hope and pray she continues to do so. I also hope that she decides to run for the GOP nomination. It will be a thing of wonder to watch the left's heads explode and for Palin to surge past the pretenders and raise gargantuan amounts of money, quickly, putting the lie to the months of BS from the leftmedia about Palin being a virtual non-entity and only good as a butt of (unfunny) jokes and smears. Sweet revenge. I can't wait.
PALIN MUST BE DESTROYED AT ALL COSTS. But why? No one wants to vote for her, the polls say she is way behind Obama, she’s stupid and just a country bumpkin. THE LIBS AREN’T AFRAID OF HER, THEY ARE COMPLETELY MORTIFIED OF HER! The change she will bring will definitely not please them. SHE MUST BE CRUSHED, SHE CAN NOT RUN AGAINST OBAMA, THEY PREFER ROMNEY.
"The Times was actually beaten to this game by the Washington Post, who made a similar request"
A blatant case of soliciting the public to engage in character assassination.
While these village idiot liberals with torches dig for dirt that probably doesn’t even exist, they give Weiner a pass?
The leftist and media elite view Sarah Palin as the embodiment, in one single person, of the conservative Christian bloc in this country. Therefore, they know no limits in their hunt to demonize, humiliate and destroy her (and, by proxy) us.
I wish there were 100,000 emails for them to churn through and waste their money. If I was a shareholder of the NYT, I would be furious at this waste of time and money. However, since I’m not, I wish them the best in the ongoing destruction of shareholder wealth. Their shareholders must be complete idiots.
The leftists are telling us who they are most afraid of, and this is a major reason I want a President Palin.
This is just beyond the pale! Just when you think they can’t sink any lower..they all do.