Excellent article!
What are we left with? The daily struggle to remember sumus homines, non dei we are just humans, not gods. Whether Strauss-Kahn or Weiner or Gore, the common denominator is arrogance and a sense of exemption from the rules and protocols.
In the end, we are left with the nobility of hard, physical work, the elemental reality of producing food, fuel, and durable goods, the distrust of fad and cant, the acceptance that we are fallible and age and will not get out alive. In comparison, the media hype, the D.C. apparchet, the eco cons and the high-life socialism are as nothing. Know Thyself and Nothing Too Much were written on the architraves of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, and for good reason, to remind us where we came from and who we were, and to shun excess material, emotional, sexual.
Great article bump.
Excellent article ping.
Classic Hanson. And from the sound of this essay, me thinks he’s taken to consorting with Nemesis rather than merely viewing her from afar!
Don’t think we have to worry about Geithner and other women. You would have to be a pretty demented chic to be aroused by one of Santa’s elves.
Bad people have bad habits and behave badly when they think no one is watching...